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Real Estate Classes Orange County


Real Estate Classes Orange County

Real Estate Classes Orange County

Approved Real Estate Acad­emy offers a unique pro­gram, which includes online Real Estate courses or classroom based Real Estate courses.
Jim Forde
Thou­sands of Real Estate can­di­dates each year could tell you; it’s not just about what you know about Real Estate in Orange County. It’s about know­ing how to pass the Cal­i­for­nia real estate license exam. Approved Real Estate Acad­emy is Orange County’s top ranked real estate school because it is designed specif­i­cally, and solely, to teach you how to pass the Cal­i­for­nia real estate license exam.

The Orange County Real Estate School will train and pre­pare you to be at your peak per­for­mance so that no ques­tion, answer, math cal­cu­la­tion, state law, or just the stress of the pro­ce­dure will sur­prise you come exam day.

Real Estate Classes Orange County –  Department of Real Estate Spon­sor ID #S0587

If you are considering becoming a Real Estate Agent in Orange County California then you are ready for Real Estate Classes Orange County. The  Department of Real Estate has approved the course mate­r­ial for Approved Real Estate Acad­emy.  The spon­sor ID from the Cal­i­for­nia Department of Real Estate is S0587. An appli­cant for the real estate sales­per­son exam­i­na­tion must show proof of three courses prior to the state exam. The com­plete pre-license pack­age rep­re­sents our most suc­cess­ful method for pass­ing the state exam.

  1. Real Estate Prin­ci­ples
  2. Real Estate Prac­tice
  3. Real Estate Finance.

Pre-License Pack­age Includes: (Real Estate Classes Orange County)

  • Real Estate Prin­ci­ples 45 Hours.
  • Real Estate Prac­tice 45 Hours.
  • Real Estate Finance 45 hours.
  • 27 Hours of live review. Once a week for 9 weeks.
  • 3 Phys­i­cal text­books with on line chap­ter quizzes and final examinations.
  • Cal­i­for­nia State Exam Drill and Prac­tice Ques­tions with Answers.
  • Career guidance.
  • 18 Live sales classes to get you on a fast track.
  • Live agent to stu­dent mentoring.
  • Your per­sonal Instructor to answer course-related questions.
  • Jim’s Notes on how to pass State Exam the 1st Time.
  • No time limit. Come to any classes as often as you wish for 2 years.


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